Monday, December 24, 2012

Prayer of Caritas - Charity or Virtue

 Today is Christmas Eve, 2012, and it is no longer politically correct to say "Merry Christmas", but to say "Happy Holidays", instead. This is not a blog about politics, so I will not get much deeper into the subject, but much has been lost in its meaning. Mankind fight for what they believe in without respecting the others' creeds, and in the end, all we need is CHARITY and love to progress spiritually, morally, to respect one another and honor God.

The following prayer was written mechanically (Psychography:the reception of written spirit messages through a medium) by Mme. W. Krell, in Bordeaux, France, on Christmas night 1883. The spirits presents itself as 'Caritas', the latin word for virtue or charity.

The true meaning of Christmas and any other religious observation should be based on this:

"God, our Father, who is all power and goodness,
give strength to those who go through tribulations;
give light to those who seek the truth,
and fill the human heart with compassion and charity.
God, give the guiding star to the traveler,
consolation to the afflicted,
and rest to the sick.
Father! Give repentance to the guilty,
truth to the spirit,
guidance to the child and a father to the orphan.
Lord! May your goodness extend over everything that You have created.
Mercy, Lord, to those who do not know You
and hope to those who suffer.
May Your goodness allow the consoling spirits
to spread peace, hope, and faith everywhere.
God! A ray of light and a spark of Your love can inflame the Earth.
Let us drink from the fountains of this abundant and infinite goodness,
and all tears will be dried,
and all pain will be lessened.
A single heart, a single thought will rise to you
like a cry of gratitude and love.
Like Moses on the mountain,
we wait for You with open arms.
Oh! Goodness, oh! Beauty, oh! Perfection,
we wish in some way to deserve Your mercy.
God, give us the strength to help progress so we may rise up to You;
give us pure charity;
give us faith and reason
and give us the simplicity that will make our souls
the mirror that will reflect your image.”

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