Saturday, January 1, 2011

Praying for the Dead

Dead is just a force of expression. The return to the spirit world makes one realize they are more alive than before, which can be a grand moment or a prolonging of suffering. The latter is true, among other reasons, for those who committed suicide, a case that needs to be discussed in more length later on. Some cultures have festivities for the dead because they are returning to their real homes, but the Western World weeps. Many judge that it is not necessary to pray because life ceases and nothing exists beyond the material world. The person is gone and lost forever, which is very stressful and unrealistic. If that were true, what would be the sense in living after all? Others have grown up with the idea of heaven and hell instilled in their minds. If one was good in life, they are in heaven and need no prayers. If they were bad, then they are in hell and damnation and will suffer the heat and pranks of the devil for all eternity. That picture is even more unrealistic than the idea of nothing. No one in this world (or very few, perhaps) would deserve heavenly bliss, and if we are all still imperfect in a world of atonement, that would mean we would go straight to hell. Neither option is fair, and God is Just.

So, should we pray for the departed?

665. Some people are against prayers for the dead because this practice is not prescribed by the gospels. What should we think of this view?

" Christ said 'Love one another'. This is a principle you should all strive to live by. In reality, natural law must follow its course; but your prayers on behalf of the suffering spirit are accepted by God as a display of love and affection that always brings relief and consolation to the sufferer. Moreover, the afflicted spirit will be ready to be helped once it makes a genuine commitment to change its character and starts assuming responsibility for its misdeeds. Then, the spirit will be comforted to know that a kind heart is interceding on its behalf. Further, your prayers will produce in it feelings of gratitude and affection. Both you and the suffering spirit will then have observed the law of love and union that pervades the universe. Love and oneness are the aim of a spirit's education."

666. Can we pray to spirits? (understand this as saints, good hearted people who have passed,etc)

"You can pray to them in their role of messengers and helpers of the Divine Being. But their ability to act on your request depends on their advancement and God's permission. As such, prayers you address to them will be attended to if granted by God."

(Spirits' Book)

As for prayers, it is recommended that your prayers come from the heart. Yet, The Gospel Explained By The Spiritist Doctrine brings a collection of prayers that need not be read or said verbatim, and certainly not memorized. But it is a beginning. As follows, there are two: one for those who are dying and another for those who have just died.

Purpose: To Be Said For One Who Is Dying

Preface: Agony is the prelude to the separation of the soul from the body... This phase can be quite painful for people who are deeply attached to worldly things - for those who live more the possessions of this world than the next one - and whose consciences are troubled by regret and guilt. By contrast, the seekers after the Infinite disengage themselves from matter more easily, breaking the links that tie them to the earth without pain in their last moments. Only a thin thread links the physical body to their souls, whereas, in the first case, thick roots hold the departing soul. In every case, prayer produces a powerful action in the work of separation.

Prayer: Merciful and all powerful God, here is a soul that is about to leave its earthly covering, and return to its real home in the spirit world. Let it have peace in this passing and extend Your mercy to it.

Good spirits that have accompanied this person on earth, do not desert him in this ultimate moment. Give him the strength to endure suffering he must umdergo, the sufferings that will allow him to pass out of this world for the sake of his future progress. Inspire him to use the last glimmerings of pjusial awareness to repent any wrongs he has done. Let my thoughts act to help him achieve tis separation with greater ease, and may hope bring comfort to his soul at the moment it leaves earth.


Prayers For Those No Longer On Earth

Purpose: To Be Said For Someone Who Has Just Died

Preface: We don't pray for souls that have just left earth only to show our sympathy. Our prayers also help release these souls from their earthly ties, shortening the period of agitation that always follows the separation and allowing for more peaceful awakening on the other side. In this, as in all other circumstances, the effectiveness of a prayer depends on how sincere our thoughts are, not on the number of grandiose words we say - very often such words don't come from the heart.

Prayers that are truly from the heart resonate with the spirits they're directed to. The ideas of the departing soul at this point are still in a state of confusion. Our prayers are like sweet voices that come to awaken them from sleep.

Prayer: All-Powerful God, let your mercy extend over those who have just left earth! Let your light shine on them! Don't leave them in darkness. Open their eyes and ears. Let the good spirits be near you, surround you, and help you shake off your earthly bonds. Now you understand and ssee the grandeur of God - so accept God's Justice without complaining, and never fail to trust God's Mercy. Dear brother/sister, may a sincere review of your past open the doors to a new future. Let it help you understand the wrongs you left behind, and the work that needs to be done to straighten them out! May God pardon your faults and may the good spirits sustain and encourage you! We, your loved ones on earth, will pray to God for you, and ask that you equally pray for us.

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