Friday, December 31, 2010


I admit to my fears sometimes. I mean, I admit them to myself all the time, but rarely outside of my comfort zone. Natural disasters are horrific. As much as I enjoy watching the occasional storm, gazing at lightning crossing the sky and waiting for the roaring thunder that follows, I feel like returning to the womb front a possible flood, fire, hurricane or tornado. With all that I know and believe in, I am all human when it comes to being afraid of dying in pain or suffering. As a matter of fact, the best thing and yet the most boring aspect of growing older is, in my case, taking more precautions in everything. Swimming in deep waters? Not anymore, thank you. There might be sharks. Drive my car holding a sandwich in one hand, my phone between my shoulder and ear while trying to take note of something on some random piece of paper? Um - no. Go bungee-jumping? Heck, no! My MVP condition may turn into a cardiac arrest and than its me DOA at the hospital. Delusional? Exaggeration? Maybe, but I'm not taking the risk. In other words, I meet the requirements for SELF-PRESERVATION.

Still in the matter of being human and all, the most respected medium of all times, Francisco Candido Xavier, had a near encounter with disaster once. He was on a plane going I remember not where to do something that is not really important for this matter. There was turbulence during some twenty minutes which got worse and worse, and most people starting crying and shouting. He felt no different from others who panicked, and one priest recognized him "There's Chico Xavier", to which he replied in frantic fear, "Thank Goodness, Father. Let's pray together. Help! Help! God Almighty save us!" He reports that suddenly he sees Emmanuel, his spiritual guide, calmly walking up to him from the corridor:

"What seems to be the matter, Chico?"
"We are in danger!"
"Yes, you all are. So?"
"We can all die!"
"And? There's no one with priviliges around here", Emmanuel replied, annoyed. "If you have to die, at least do it politely."
"If I'm going to die, I'm going to die screaming. Help! Oh, Lord!"

Chico would later tell this story in good heart and laughter. As he said afterwards, "How can one die politely?"

This being said, The Spirits' Book tells us that destruction gives way to renewal and regeneration, as Providence uses all beings as instruments for attaining its purpose, just like the food chain where the nourishment of some beings depend on the destruction of others. Its objective is to maintain balance in the population of a species and to transform matter. What dies is merely the physical envelope, an accessory to the spirit. The spirit, the essential thinking principle is indestructible. Questions 729 through 733 from the above mentioned book gives us some insight:

729. If destruction is necessary for transformation, why does Nature instill species with the self-preservation instinct?

"This is to prevent premature destruction, which would impede the development of the intelligent principle. This is also why God gave the instinct to live and to reproduce each being."

730. Since death will lead us to a better life and liberate us from the evils of the world, it is something we should desire more than fear. Why does each of us, then, feel such instinctive horror and apprehension when facing it?

" We have already told you. Humans must seek to prolong their lives in order to fulfill their tasks. It was for this reason that God gave you the instinct of self-preservation, which sustains you during your trials. Without it you would frequently fall into despair. But the secret voice that makes you reject death also tells you that you can do something to improve your lot. Every brush with death is a call for you to spend your time more usefully. But the ungrateful, instead of thanking God for this warning, bless their lucky star that they have escaped."

731. Why, along with the means of preservation, did Nature simultaneously place the means of destruction in our path?

"The medicine comes with the sickness. As we previously told you, destruction is designed to establish balance, to maintain an equilibrium in nature."

732. Is the need for destruction the same on all planets?

" It exists in proportion to the materiality of each planet. As inhabitants reach more refined physical and spiritual states, it disappears. On more advanced planets, living conditions are quite different from yours."

733. Will the need for destruction always exist among us on Earth?

" It will diminish as the spirit gains mastery over matter. This is why the horror at destruction grows with intellectual and moral development".

The questions and explanations continue on the fairness of both the good and evil perishing at the same time in natural calamities, the killing of animals and so on. Something I will gladly explore later on. The good part is that my instincts for survival, my being cautious (not to say a chicken), absolute horror at unecessary violence and blood shedding mean I am advancing. Yes!

And So a New Year Begins

2011 is literally around the corner, barely three hours or so away, and all around me (neighborhood) is loud music, laughter and fire works. It is nice to have a moment's happiness, however empty one might feel the next day with a hangover, the memories of the departed, an empty bed as a reminder of a relationship that has not worked out, or another one night stand. Is it really nice and healthy? I never thought so and thankfully have not indulged lightly. Nonetheless, it took me three decades to come to terms with myself, with what life is really about, and to gratefully enjoy inner peace regardless of circumstances. This year I am not going to make any resolutions, I will not ask for more money, a better job, a man in my life. I will not ask for anything that is remotely linked to the selfish "I". Many things that people ask for can be conquered with hard honest work, others are just a matter of what God has reserved for us. Most of it is what we had agreed to pursue when once again upon Earth: forgiveness, togetherness, and peace.

The Portal has evacuated most of the unhappy brothers and sisters who are now in flesh upon this planet. As hard as it is to survive in this jungle, I am determined to live in peace, and think and breathe light and throw this shining white light upon all who have have crossed my path one way or another in this life and in the past. No encounter is by chance, even painful ones.

The key is Personal Transformation, and it is not as simple as it sounds. One of the first steps is determination, slowly but surely confronting yourself in daily meditations. Admit at least to yourself what it is in your attitude that is unhealthy. Recognize you dislike people whose faults reflect your own, and analyze what and how it can be changed. Each step forward is a victory, almost like an AA meeting when each day without drinking is a mark. Except that we are still very much imperfect and live in a world of atonement... we are bound to fall back a couple of times. What we cannot allow is to fall back all the way as if we were an AA follower back to being a drunken addict. Here is an excerpt from The Gospel Explained By the Spiritist Doctrine on the subject:

"There are two kinds of suffering on earth; or, if you prefer, our trials have their origin in two different sources. The first kind has its cause in present-day life; the second arises from causes outside the present life.

In considering the troubles of earthly life, it is evident that a great number of them arethe consequence of a person's own attitudes and actions. Many of us flounder because of our faults - victimized by our thoughtlessness, arrogance, and ambition. Many of us destroy ourselves through lack of discipline and perserverance, and through bad conduct and an inability to control our own desires. Likewise many marriages turn sour simply because they are built not by the heart, but by partners' calculating self-interest and vanity. So many disagreements and disastrous hostilities could be avoided with the help of a little restraint and more tolerance. In the same way, how many illnesses and diseases result from overindulgence and abuses of all sorts?

Families, particularly, pay a price for these failures. Parents find they are disappointed in their children because they didn't intervene early enough to overcome their children's harmful impulses. In spoiling or neglecting their children, these parents let the seeds of pride, selfishness, and foolish conceit take root in them, so that their hearts became dried and shriveled. Later on, when parents start reaping what they had sown, they will be surprised and at the indifference and lack of gratitude their children show them.

We ask each of you who has experienced heartaches because of disappointments and losses to study your own consciences closely, going back, step by step, to the origins of each problem that is causing you pain. More likely than not, most will be able to say: If I had done, or not done, such and such thing, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Who is, in such cases, responsible for the sufferings if not the person who suffers? In most cases, men and women are the architects of their own troubles. Yet rather than admit this fact, they usually find it easier and less humiliating to their egos to blame their troubles on fate, God, bad luck, or even on an unlucky star. However, this 'unlucky star' is actually no more than their own carelessness.

When we consider life's problems, we find that this kind of suffering makes up the greatest part of our problems. Only when we make the commitment to work at SELF-TRANSFORMATION, raising ourselves both morally and intellectually, will we be able to avoid suffering of this kind." (Chapter 5:4 Present Causes of Suffering)

It's no walk in the park, I'll tell you that much. I am a far cry from being a quarter of the steps up the proverbial Jacob's ladder, but the enormous amount of effort I have put in to achieve a little transformation has made me happier than I have ever been. I had been temporarily blessed with relative wealth, and then came an avalanche of ups and downs that put a toll on my nerves and my trust in Humanity. Personal transformation led me to understand that a) I own nothing knowing that earthly goods are ephemeral, and also that I own no one; b) no one owns me; c) God is a Father of Light and Love, not one of vengeance; d)I am capable of confronting my own faults without diminishing myself - I am responsible for who I am and my own evolution; e) I can help others many times unbeknownst to them, and not expect anything in return; f) I am capable of learning and retaining valuable information that helps in stressful times, thus I keep an even temper for the most part; g) and not lastly, but should suffice for today, I have managed to be more forgiving.For the first time in years I am able to quiet my thoughts and sad memories during meditation/prayers, during which I can now include the names of people I once devoted bitter anger and hatred, and truly ask for their safety, enlightenment and understanding of what should and should not have happened - similar conclusions I have finally made. My late father, my estranged sister, and a man I had sworn never to forgive until our dying day and beyond. The first one is in the spirtual plane although perhaps not a happy one. The other two I feel we are not apt to make amends in this lifetime if we ever meet face to face, but I sincerely hope transformation occurs enough in all of us for it to happen in another life. I fervently wish that we all can progress and be able, sooner rather than later, leave this planet of atonement and return to inhabit a better one. One where beauty is what is within, where love is understood as fraternity and not to be confused with sexual desire alone or short-lived passion, where peace is a given and grace is more than a woman's name. And so let it be, and so it will!

Peace always,


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Introduction to Spiritism

Allan Kardec, precursor of Spiritism, compiled a set of laws and principles revealed by Higher Spirits into five books: The Spirits’ Book, The Book of Mediums, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and lastly, The Genesis. These books unfold the codification of Spiritist teachings. Spiritism is a doctrine or philosophy; a consoling dogma that introduces the Spirit of Truth as promised by Christ: “And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him because it cannot see him or know him … the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” If the Spirit of Truth must come to teach more, it is because the time and evolution of incarnate spirits were not adequate at the time, and if it needs reminding, it is because the teachings of Christ would be forgotten or ignored.
This brings us to another question: Who is the Spirit of Truth? Is this spirit part of the trinity along with the Father and the Son? The Spirit of Truth is a Spiritual Guide in charge of a phalanx of Higher Spirits who have come to fulfill the promise of consolation:
“I am the great healer of souls, and I have come to bring the treatment that really cures…Don’t search for strength and consolation elsewhere; The world is incapable of offering them. In the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine, God delivers a powerful message to your heart… be humble and surrender yourself to the Supreme Love, and soon your life will be in harmony with the Law… Pray with all your faith, and God will send the beloved Son to guide you and to lift you with these goodly words: ‘You called me, here I am!’” (The Gospel According to Spiritism, Ch 6.7)
The complexity of spiritual evolution goes beyond what is summarized in this article; nonetheless, we will try to convey the meaning. One must read the “Book of Spirits” to better understand this; however, it is clear to many of us that we are a creation of God who is the Supreme Intelligence and first cause of all things. There are mysteries that remain unveiled, and that is His will that shall be endured, as can be noticed thousands of years ago with Moses, and later with Jesus. In question 80 of the aforementioned book, Kardec asks if the creation of spirits is continuous. The response is that God never ceases to create, but several times they reiterate that the “how” and “when” are ignored. This being said, imagine a group of kindergarten children with a teacher. She can be a PhD in Physics, yet, she cannot explain the theory to them, for their minds are not mature enough to grasp the meaning. These children need yet to grow and then study, and work hard in order to be able to comprehend what the teacher would have liked to explain. In time, some of them will learn, some of them will not, all depending on aptitude, will and effort. By the time they have reached the age of reasoning, other children will have taken their places in kindergarten, and will need to go through the same process. Let us keep the setting, but change the characters: The children are the people surrounding our Master, Jesus Christ. He could not have spoken of life beyond the grave differently from what was told in parables, for they were not ready to understand. Thousands of years later, some have matured, some have not, and others have come along. It is constant progress and personal endeavor that need to be met for one to become an evolved being. Since God’s creation never ends, we receive these less evolved spirits amongst us to give them support towards advance. Remember Christ’s words: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for such belongs the kingdom of God”. The children were a metaphor for less evolved spirits, who need cherishing and great care to follow the path of righteousness.
Spiritism is, therefore, the revelation of new concepts while explaining in-depth what is already known of God, the Universe, mankind, Spirits, and laws that rule life. It exposes who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going. It also explains the reason of pain and suffering in this world, and the purpose of earthly lives. It touches all areas of human knowledge and behavior. Spiritism also analyses all fundamental aspects of life such as science, philosophy, ethics, social studies, and education.
Reading all the books by Allan Kardec is the sine qua nom to understanding the doctrine in its entirety: “Spiritists, love one another. This is the first precept. Educate yourselves. That is the second. In true Christianity you will find the truth. You will find mistakes in today’s Christianity, but these are purely of human origin… Jesus is the victor over all wrong. You too can be the victors of your own frailties.” (Gospel According to Spiritism, Ch 3.5)
Spiritism is based on love, charity and education, that is, rational faith in lieu of blind faith. Discernment must be used daily, for instance, to love someone means to do unto others what you would like for yourself. To be rational is to know that one should avoid a path of snakes and take action by finding another exit rather than disregard a detour. Believing you are safeguarded from harm’s way in that case is not rational. There is an anecdote that reveals irrational faith: "Once there was a storm in a village, which caused it to flood. A man prayed to the Lord to be saved from drowning. Water was up to his knees when a man on boat comes along to his rescue, as to which he replied: 'No, thank you. The Lord will save me', and he went on praying. Water was up to his waist, another boat comes along, and the same reply: 'The Lord will save me.' He was ready to climb up to his roof when a third boat came along, and a new refusal. Once on top of the roof and the water almost reaching him, a helicopter appears, and yet again he rebuffs the offer: 'The Lord has promised and so He shall fulfil. He will save me', and he drowns within minutes. A while later in heaven, he complains to God: 'I believed You and Your promises. How could You have turned me down like that!? Why did You not save me?', and God retorted: 'I sent you three boats and a helicopter. What else did you want me to do?'"
We already know God is Almighty, true essence of all that is Good, creator of the Universe and all its beings, animate and inanimate, material and immaterial. Now we will add a small number of principles to better understand what aspects of Spiritism:
- There is a corporeal world, which means a world inhabited by incarnate spirits (mankind); there is also a spiritual world inhabited by discarnate spirits.
- “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places”, which translates into the existence of several inhabited worlds with beings of different levels of evolution. Some are of the same level as mankind, others are more evolved, or even less.
- All laws of Nature are Divine laws, for God has proclaimed them. They include laws of physics and morals.
- Man is an incarnate spirit (a spirit enclosed in a body of flesh). The perispirit is the semi-matter that links the spirit to the material body.
- Spirits are created simple and ignorant to evolve intellectually and morally, from the lowest to the highest order until they achieve perfection. Then is when they will enjoy unalterable happiness.
- The individuality of spirits is preserved before, during, and after each incarnation.
- Spirits will reincarnate as many times necessary for their betterment.
- Spirits are in constant evolution. Multiple corporeal existences may stagnate, but the Highest Power will never permit regression. Progress depends on effort.
- Spirits belong to different orders: Pure spirits, who have achieved perfection, many times known to others as saints or angels; good spirits, whose works and wishes are predominantly good; and imperfect spirits who still retain vices and ill-wishing. There are different orders under these.
- The relation between incarnate and discarnate (spirit completely freed from a body of flesh) is constant. The good ones influence us towards righteousness, while the imperfect ones induce us to error.
- Jesus is the guide, Master and Governor of our planet, the most perfect spirit of all. His teachings are the purest expression of God’s laws.
- Christ’s moral standards, as found in the Gospel, are the reference for evolution, the answer and purpose for Humanity.
- Humanity is entitled to free will, but we sow the seeds of our actions. Law of Action and Reaction.
- Prayer is an act of adoration offered to God.
- Prayers empower mankind bringing comfort and strength to keep temptation at bay. It must be done with fervor, and words must come from the heart rather than recited. God sends his spirits to guide and protect you, and this is an aid never denied.
It is crucial to reinforce that workers involved in the Spiritist community do not receive any kind of financial reward. God must be worshipped in Spirit and Truth, thus, there are no rituals or Priests. Spiritist practices do not include images or statues, animal sacrifices or sacrifices of any order, special garments, alcoholic beverages, incense, hallucinogens, candles, sacraments, smoking, talismans or amulets, horoscopes, card reading, crystals, buzios, or any other objects for rituals or cults. Spiritism does not impose their beliefs, but anyone is welcome to learn its rationale. Mediumship is a faculty inherent to all human beings, but not necessarily recognized, accepted or developed. It is the communication with spirits, and it may occur regardless of the faith you profess. Also, the practice of mediumship only takes place based on the principles of the doctrine and Christian morals.
In conclusion, Spiritism is not the same as Voodoo, Candomble, Quimbanda, or any other religion. These are spiritualist groups, and their ideology differs greatly. Spiritism respects all religions and doctrines that speak of fraternity and peace throughout the world, regardless of sex or gender, race, creed, social and intellectual levels. Above all, it regards those who believe that a true good person is the one who abides by the laws of justice, love and charity.
Here is a link to Kardec's "Gospel According to Spiritism", English Edition, since the original is in French:

Simply Spiritism

Why "Simply Spiritism"? Simply because it is the correct denomination for what was decoded almost two centuries ago by Allan Kardec. As to whom he was and what he did will be discussed throughout this blog, God willing. It is believed, generally speaking, that Spiritism has to do with voodoo priests or priestesses, Santeria, animal or human sacrifices, and spirits (as in alcoholic drinks, pun intended). It is also believed that Spiritism goes hand in hand with tarot, pseudo-psychics or so-called "fortune tellers" (let's face it, they would own a fortune themselves if they could really tell the future and come up with the lottery numbers). There is the accusation of the Devil (poor fellow does not even exist) imparting his nefarious knowledge unto mediums, and the fact that all followers of the aforementioned is deemed unfit for the Kingdom of God, and must rot in eternal fire... have I forgotten anything? Ah, yes... there are weddings performed by a medium who is incorporated by a Deity whose payment will be perhaps a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of cheap sugarcane brandy. There are even promises of bringing back your loved one in seven days, regardless if he/she is married, and all it takes is to bathe yourself with herbs and other whatchamacallits, not to mention parting with your much hard earned money to pay for such illuminated spiritual wisdom .

Thus far, I have described what is not Spiritism; however, each and everyone of the beliefs or actions above have been deemed by many as being so. This erroneous notion may come from the term "Spiritualism", which refers to believing in the Spirit World, and anyone can be so. Compare it to being a "Christian". Protestants are called "Christians"; nonetheless, Catholics are also Christians, because they believe in Christ, so are Spiritists, because they honor the Light of this world, and so on. Semantics are a problem, but I just wanted you to know that "Spiritism is simply Spiritism", as we will see in the next posts.

P.S.: One of the main points in Spiritism is charity, including the use of good words and thoughts. Forgive my wording above, but it is important to me that differences are established from the get-go.