Saturday, June 5, 2010

Simply Spiritism

Why "Simply Spiritism"? Simply because it is the correct denomination for what was decoded almost two centuries ago by Allan Kardec. As to whom he was and what he did will be discussed throughout this blog, God willing. It is believed, generally speaking, that Spiritism has to do with voodoo priests or priestesses, Santeria, animal or human sacrifices, and spirits (as in alcoholic drinks, pun intended). It is also believed that Spiritism goes hand in hand with tarot, pseudo-psychics or so-called "fortune tellers" (let's face it, they would own a fortune themselves if they could really tell the future and come up with the lottery numbers). There is the accusation of the Devil (poor fellow does not even exist) imparting his nefarious knowledge unto mediums, and the fact that all followers of the aforementioned is deemed unfit for the Kingdom of God, and must rot in eternal fire... have I forgotten anything? Ah, yes... there are weddings performed by a medium who is incorporated by a Deity whose payment will be perhaps a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of cheap sugarcane brandy. There are even promises of bringing back your loved one in seven days, regardless if he/she is married, and all it takes is to bathe yourself with herbs and other whatchamacallits, not to mention parting with your much hard earned money to pay for such illuminated spiritual wisdom .

Thus far, I have described what is not Spiritism; however, each and everyone of the beliefs or actions above have been deemed by many as being so. This erroneous notion may come from the term "Spiritualism", which refers to believing in the Spirit World, and anyone can be so. Compare it to being a "Christian". Protestants are called "Christians"; nonetheless, Catholics are also Christians, because they believe in Christ, so are Spiritists, because they honor the Light of this world, and so on. Semantics are a problem, but I just wanted you to know that "Spiritism is simply Spiritism", as we will see in the next posts.

P.S.: One of the main points in Spiritism is charity, including the use of good words and thoughts. Forgive my wording above, but it is important to me that differences are established from the get-go.

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